Good morning Mustang Football JV and V players and families

Mini Camp has been going great- we have a lot of energy and talent out there, and the boys have been absorbing our installs at a high level. Very encouraging and proud of their effort to get their heads into our playbooks.

Just wanted to make sure all were aware of our schedule and opportunities for community service that we expect our players to take part in.

Wed May 22
Rising Seniors equipment hand out immediately after finals

Thursday may 23
630-715 AM Mini Camp #3
Rising Juniors and (sophomores if they’d like), equipment immediately after finals.

Friday may 24
Moving Squad at Legacy Point Elementary 10 AM- if we get the turnout I think we will, should be about an hour. Comm Svc through LPE will be given, I will take care of it.

Tuesday May 28th
630 AM
Flag Planting for Folds Of Honor at Colorado Golf Club. Pls Bring a hammer. This will end at 800 so boys can get to weights (830-945 AM)
330 Equipment check out for those who need it.
345 all others meet on field to help move our field equipment, bags, etc.
430-630 PM practice, helmets

Wed May 29th
practice, helmets
830-945 AM Weights

Th May 30th
630-8 practice, full pads non contact (make sure stuff “feels” right)
830-945 AM Weights

Fri May 31st 
practice, contact
830-945 Weights

Sat June 1 and Sun June 2 OFF

Please make sure you are registered for Summer weights at Pivotal. If issues financially, email our boosters at We can not just show up without registering- for PSP liability and payment.

Please sign up for CSU Pueblo camp by end of next week. I am sending them rooming list June 3rd.

As always email me at with any questions.

Jaron Cohen
Head Varsity Football Coach/PE Teacher

Ponderosa High School
7007 E. Bayou Gulch Road
Parker, CO 8013